Generate a large number of random Japanese addresses

English | Japanese (日本語) | Spanish (español) | Portuguese (Português)

Up to 1,000 data! Generate a large number of random Japanese addresses

Randomly generate Japanese addresses using real place names. Street numbers and lot numbers are automatically generated and may not actually exist. It is possible to generate not only Japanese but also English (alphabet notation). You can also separate columns, such as city names and street numbers. Use it when you need a lot of address data for system testing.

Similar services : Generate random US address data

[ Example 1 ]
Normal address display.

640-13 Osaki, Ako shi, Hyogo ken
4-56-2 Kitayasue, Kanazawa shi, Ishikawa ken
332-10 Okubo, Himi shi, Toyama ken

[ Example 2 ]
Separate columns by city name and street number.

680-6 Shirasakacho Seto shi Aichi ken
1-18-5 Sangenjaya Setagaya ku Tokyo to

[ Example 3 ]
Notation of Japanese.


Data generation

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