Join two table data with common KEY value.

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Join two table data with common KEY value

Merge two EXCEL tables of different formats to generate a new table. Merge is performed after determining the character match of the specified column.
For example, compare the second column of Table 1 with the second column of Table 2 and add to Table 1 if the characters match.

[ Example ]

Table 1
→Set "Column 2" to KEY.
Column 1 Column 2 Column 3
AKB48 Anna Iriyama 1995.12.03
AKB48 Minami Minegishi 1992.11.15
AKB48 Rena Kato 1997.07.10
AKB48 Rina Okada 1999.07.27
Table 2
→Set "Column 2" to KEY.
Column 1 Column 2
Team K Minami Minegishi
Team A Jyuri Takahashi
Team A Anna Iriyama
Team K Rena Nozawa
Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 1 Column 2
AKB48 Anna Iriyama 1995.12.03 Team A Anna Iriyama
AKB48 Minami Minegishi 1992.11.15 Team K Minami Minegishi
AKB48 Rena Kato 1997.07.10    
AKB48 Rina Okada 1999.07.27    


Prioritize Table 1. In Table 1, all rows remain regardless of the match of the KEY column. Table 2 combines all the columns into Table 1 only for the matching row in the KEY column. Rows that do not match the KEY column in Table 2 are deleted.
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Table 1 - Priority table

KEY column in Table 1  

Table 2 - Only join the matching rows of KEY to Table 1

KEY column in Table 2  

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